Breastfeeding Stories - Violine

This is Violine. Violine is a mum to three gorgeous boys, she is photographed here with her youngest Elliot.

These are her words.

I always knew I wanted to breastfeed my children . My mum breastfed us and it felt like the natural way to go . I never questioned it and I never realised it could actually be very challenging at the start . So when my first boy arrived it really took me by surprise when I realised that it wasn’t going to be straight forward ! I wasn’t going to give up so I needed help . I was so lucky to get support from Nicola O’Byrne (lactation consultant) to get me back on track, and Cuidiu’s breastfeeding counsellors to be able to keep it up . Support can be really key to breastfeeding . It really was for me anyway. 

With my second and third boy the starts were a lot easier as I knew where to get help and support from the very beginning . 

My three breastfeeding journeys were all very different, but all unforgettable and rewarding . I’m so happy I was able to breastfeed my theee children. It’s not only about feeding and giving the best nutrients, it’s such a special connection, a time to pause and reconnect with our baby. For anyone who is in a position to do it I couldn’t recommend it enough .


Breastfeeding Stories - Hayley


Breastfeeding Stories - Fiona