Breastfeeding Stories - Fiona

This beautiful story is Fiona’s. Fiona is photographed with her four children.

These are her words.

I’m the very very proud mum to these four beautiful grown up breastfed babies, Leon 12, Luigi 16, Megan 20 and Callum 22, 3 of whom were born at home. I don’t quite know why I made the decision to breastfeed as I wasn’t from a family of breastfeeders so I didn’t observe it growing up. The first two of my friends to have babies breastfed and I think that may be how I fell into it! I’ve always been easily led! To me it seemed normal and natural and sure why wouldn’t I? 

I had my ups and downs along the road of breastfeeding but certainly way way more ups. Each of my baby’s fed very differently so it was a new experience of feeding each time. They taught me how it worked for them as I In turn learned how to be their mother. What was in common for each of them though was that they always found the breast to be a place of great comfort, a time for connection, a source of reassurance as well as providing them with all the nutrition they needed.  

We both loved it. I loved the endless list of benefits breastfeeding provided to us all (if you’ve ever got time to spare and would like to hear all about them I’m happy to oblige!). My partner was very supportive and found his ways to bond with and parent his children. Bath time was certainly his time and dare I say it nappy changing was his forte. 

I could never have imagined that how I mothered would go on to become my passion and my work. I am now an IBCLC (Internationally Board-certified Lactation Consultant) and have been certified since 2011. Prior to achieving my IBCLC credential I trained as a Cuidiú breastfeeding counsellor, antenatal educator and Bfc and antenatal tutor. I also trained as a doula with Developing Doula’s in the UK. Meeting my first child led me down a wonderful road of supporting mothers birth and in their choice to breastfeed and to this day, 20+ years later, I can’t imagine enjoying anything more. I am still learning and still fascinated by the topic and I continue to be amazed and in awe of the mothers I meet every day. They do such an amazing job. I know it’s not an easy road for everyone. My own experience taught me that but it’s worth getting support and pushing through and never giving up on a bad day! One feed at a time, one day at a time! Happy National Breastfeeding Week!


Breastfeeding Stories - Violine


Breastfeeding Stories - Maria