Breastfeeding Stories - Yasmin

This is Yasmin, mum to three little boys. She is photographed with her youngest Rusty.

These are her words.

Growing up in Australia, I was surrounded by many strong women, guiding me through life. I always watched in awe how they fed their babies and how incredible it is that we have this amazing tool to give them the best start.

I always envisioned I would be the same, without a doubt I wanted to experience this incredible thing.

When Harvey was born, I was so blessed that he latched without any problem. Having gestational diabetes, I knew it was crucial to feed him within the first hr of being born, so his blood sugar would stabilise. Labouring took a little toll on my body and I had lost a lot of blood. The doctors wouldn’t initially discharge me because my levels were so low.

Needing my own space & bed, I convinced them that I could go home.

Harvey settled in feeding a lot, cluster-feeding for hrs and so, only after 7hrs of being discharged I was back in again with worrying haemoglobin levels. 

I thought my breastfeeding journey was over. I wasn't producing milk. I was exhausted.

The amazing staff came to my aid, and asked if they could give Harvey a bottle. I felt like I had failed becuase I couldn't feed him although I wanted to do it so badly. 

When I first encountered Holles street lactation consultant, she was warm, reassuring and supportive of my need to breastfeed.

We put a plan in motion and, after a couple of blood transfusions, Harvey had brought in my milk supply. I also pumped to increase my production.

With my woman tribe continents away, I had the support of lactation consultants, midwives and the gorgeous tribe of Cuidiú.


Breastfeeding Stories - Lucianne


Breastfeeding Stories - Mary