Breastfeeding Stories - Mary

This is Mary, she is Mum to three girls. She is photographed here with her youngest Emily.

These are her words.

I always assumed breastfeeding would come naturally to me. They say nothing is more natural than breastfeeding your baby and that is true. But just because it’s natural doesn’t make it easy.

With my first baby Ella, I struggled massively. She wasn’t gaining weight and I didn’t understand what I was doing wrong. I felt like a failure. It turned out she had reflux and I had a very fast flow of milk and together they are a tricky combination. I was lucky to have some experienced breastfeeding friends to encourage me and great support from a lactation consultant in my local breastfeeding clinic. With their help and my own stubborn determination I got over the hump. It took a while but finally things seemed to click and I haven’t looked back since. I have been blessed with three healthy, happy daughters and am so proud to have managed to feed them all myself. The rewards have been immeasurable. 

Ella is now 9 years old. Emily, my third daughter is 8 months. Breastfeeding her is 100 percent my favourite part of the day. Even at 3am I cherish the quiet time to focus on her and enjoy the cuddles. I call it our golden time. I know how quickly this special phase of parenting passes - before you know it your baby girl is nearly 10 and ruling the roost 🤣


Breastfeeding Stories - Yasmin


Breastfeeding Stories - Hayley