Breastfeeding Stories - Deirdre

This is Deirdre and her youngest son Pearse, these are her words.

I’m Deirdre and I’m Mammy to Finn, Aoibh and Pearse.

Looking back to when I breastfed my first baby over 12 years ago – I was doing it to ‘feed’ him. I didn’t fully embrace all nursing your baby offers to them and you. I didn’t know all the benefits but in saying that I was delighted with myself then.

Rock on 12 years later and I’m still feeding a 3 year old (again!). Sometimes I feel like Im only starting this breastfeeding journey with Pearse – because our bond and the closeness amazes me every day.

Im still knocked side ways when I read a fact or hear something about our liquid gold.

One big benefit of this 3rd journey is the normalising of breastfeeding for my 10 & 12 year old.


Breastfeeding Stories - Cara


Breastfeeding Stories - Emma