Breastfeeding Stories - Katell

This is Katell, she a mum to two beautiful boys. She is photographed here with her youngest. These are her words.

We have two boys, Jean is 5 years and Iouen is 10 months.

I breastfed Jean until he was 9 months and I have nice memories about this journey mixed up with tiredness.  It took me about a month or so to feel at ease and then it was just very natural. 

Although as I said before I was exhausted (as every new mom but when it happens to you, you just feel lonely and miserable ) and I blamed breastfeeding for it. I thought that I would sleep at night if I stopped nursing Jean, as I believed he wouldn’t wake up so many times if he wasn’t feeding.   The truth is, I stopped breastfeeding him for all the wrong reasons. Tiredness played a big part and I was struggling to accept my new role as a mother. I had never planned to be a mom, and i got lost, I didn’t know who I was anymore, everything was very confusing.  I didn’t trust myself or my husband enough, so I was constantly trying to change what we were doing with Jean, I was listening to people’s advice way too much when the only thing to do was just listening to what felt good for us ...

With Iouen, its all very different. I’m already a mom and this is a huge help :)

I don’t question myself about everything, I trust us as parents and I’m not influenceable the way I was when Jean was a baby. I take life in a slower way and I’m ok to spend a loooooot of time breastfeeding, I actually do my daily meditation when feeding him in the morning...😊

I love so much those privileged moments that I’m planning to breastfeed Iouen for ever!

Also knowing I’m giving him the best in terms of food, health and comfort makes me so very proud!

I know how lucky I am being able to breastfeed my kids, I never had any problems and I guess it doesn’t come so easy for everyone. I’m forever grateful for that and for the very special bond that breastfeeding has created between my kids and myself ❤



Breastfeeding Stories - Emma


Breastfeeding Stories - Annie