Breastfeeding Stories - Aoife

For a long time, I wanted to start a photo project about breastfeeding - I am not sure where it will take me, but I hope that in some way the words, photos and thoughts will help to promote, normalise and inspire breastfeeding among others.

My first session was with Aoife, she is a mum to three boys, photographed here with her youngest Culann.

These are her words.

I am passionate about breastfeeding because not only does it provide nutrition, support and comfort to your baby but it's also reciprocal. It's a constant reminder to sit down and rest, to connect with your child and for a few moments just BE.

I am training to become a breastfeeding counseller because I want every person who wants to breastfeed/bodyfeed to have the right information and be able to empower themselves to make informed choices in all aspects of their parenting.


Breastfeeding Stories - Maria


Corrigan kiddies in Clogrennane Woods